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ARRL Sections - Western Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania

Contact Information

Section Name:
Western Pennsylvania
Joe Shupienis W3BC
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

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Western Pennsylvania Section News

24 June 2023

WPA Section News - 24 June 2023


This is the weekend for our annual ARRL Field Day. For 90 years, radio amateurs have taken to the great outdoors to set up stations and contact as many others as they can during this 24 hour period. For some hams it's a contest, for others an emergency preparedness exercise, and everywhere it's an opportunity to share quality time with other amateurs at a "picnic with radios."

I will be visiting as many sites as I can today and tomorrow. My travel itinerary covers 14 sites along a grueling 500 mile road trip winding its way through our WPA Southeast and Southwest Districts. Volunteers from our WPA Section Staff will visit sites in the Northwest and Northeast Districts. We look forward to seeing YOU at one of them!


Now that summer is here, it's time for that other favorite ham radio activity: HAMFESTS! Here's a short list:

July  8 - Northwest PA Hamfest, Wattsburg, Erie County

July  9 - Somerset County ARC, Somerset County

July 29 - ARRL PENNSYLVANIA STATE CONVENTION, CVARC Hamfest, Chambersburg, Franklin County (Yes, it IS in WESTERN PA)

July 30 - WACOM Hamfest, Washington County


August 12 - Uniontown 73rd Annual Gabfest, Uniontown, Fayette County

August 27 - Skyview Hamfest, New Kensington, Westmoreland County


September 10 - Butler Hamfest, Unionville, Butler County


Now that things are returning to normal after the past few years, it's great to be able to get out and visit all our radio friends in person!


73 and Press ON!

Joe Shupienis W3BC
Western Pennsylvania Section Manager

WPA ARRL Website, WPA ARRL Facebook Group

Western Pennsylvania Officials

  • Cory Sickles

    Public Info Coordinator,
    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV

  • Joe Shupienis

    Section Manager

    Joe Shupienis W3BC

  • Juan Manfredi

    Assistant Section Manager

    Juan J. Manfredi NA0B

  • Carmine Prestia

    Assistant Section Manager

    Carmine W. Prestia K3CWP

  • David Wellman

    Assistant Section Manager

    David M. Wellman WX3E

  • Kevin Lear

    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Kevin P. Lear W3XOX

  • Lloyd Roach

    State Government Liaison

    Lloyd Bankson Roach K3QNT

  • Bruce Gibson

    Section Youth Coordinator

    Bruce E. Gibson K3BEG

  • Curtis McCormick

    Technical Coordinator

    Curtis L. McCormick WU3U


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